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"I haven't been able to make art too much recently. a lot of my friends have died this year and its kind of stunted me artistically. I think a lot of times pain can either fuel my art or put me out of commission depending on what it is. what pops out to me nowadays is simplicity. I used to get so caught up on detail and I never had too much fun with that"

"Art's a way to get out some of the hard thoughts and times without having to talk about anything too much. I don't think anything really blocks the tough shit out except for drugs which I try to avoid now. art and music are healthier ways to cope. I usually give my own art away because I don't like it too much."

"Giving it away is definitely part of the process. It probably goes along with the whole like purging of emotions art does for me and hopefully it makes someone else happy in turn. I like giving things I make to my mom. she's an artist too and i think she appreciates the things I make. I usually give my art away to whoever shows interest in it though. I just kind of want it off my hands sometimes."

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